How to import Autostrategy for NinjaTrader 8 and run it?

1. Launch the Trading Terminal

  • Start the NinjaTrader 8 trading terminal.

2. Import the Trading Bot

  • In the main Control Center window, locate the Tools button.
  • From the drop-down menu, select Import.
  • In the subsequent drop-down menu, click on NinjaScript Addon.
  • In the file explorer window that opens, find your ZIP archive containing the bot and click Open.
  • When the NinjaTrader pop-up information window appears, your bot has been successfully added to the platform.

3. Configure and Launch the Auto-Strategy

  • In the main Control Center window, go to the Strategy tab at the bottom.
  • Right-click inside the strategy window and choose New Strategy from the list.
  • A list similar to the one used for adding indicators will appear. Click on the desired strategy, set the necessary parameters, and click OK.
  • You will see the line for the selected strategy appear in the list. To start the bot, ensure you check the Enablecolumn.

4. Verify Data Provider Connection

  • The trading algorithm will not run without an active connection to the data provider.
  • The connection status is indicated by a colored circle in the lower-left corner of the Control Center window, with the following statuses:
    • Green (Connected): Indicates that NinjaTrader is fully connected.
    • Yellow (Connecting): Indicates that NinjaTrader is attempting to connect.
    • Orange (Connection Lost – Price Server): Indicates that NinjaTrader has lost connection to the price server.
    • Red (Connection Lost – Order Server): Indicates that NinjaTrader has lost connection to the order server.
    • Gray (Disconnected): Indicates that NinjaTrader is not connected.

5. Additional Recommendations

If you have any questions, leave a comment, and we will be happy to answer.

It is advisable to read the article on how to import an indicator for further clarification.

Also, take a look at our bots available in the shop.

It is advisable to read the article on how to import an indicator for further clarification.

Also, take a look at our bots available in the shop.